Changing Build Status Manually
Last modified: 20 April 2023Overview
A user with appropriate permissions can change the status of a build manually, i.e. make it either failed or successful (issue TW-2529).
The corresponding action is available in the Actions menu on the Working with Build Results page.
Marking build as successful
You may want to make build successful to:
Change the last successful build anchor when using Build failure conditions, i.e. if your last build failed because of an incorrect value of a metric, and this new value is valid, you may mark this build with a successful anchor.
Allow using an incorrectly failed build with good artifacts in "last successful" dependencies.
For a running personal build - mark current failures non-relevant to allow pre-tested commit to pass (if user has permission to do this).
"Mark as successful" action is not available for Build State.
Marking build as failed
You may want to mark a build as failed when:
The build has some problem which didn't affect the final build status.
There is a known problem with the build, and it should be ignored by your QA team.
You've mistakenly marked the build as successful manually.
By default, the permission to change build status is granted to Project Administrator.