2. Language and File Type
Reference: Registering a File Type
Code: SimpleLanguage
, SimpleIcons
, SimpleFileType
This page is part of multi-step Custom Language Support Tutorial. All previous steps must be executed in sequence for the code to work.
The IntelliJ Platform determines file type by examining the name of a file. Each language has Language and LanguageFileType objects defining the language. Register the LanguageFileType
with the IntelliJ Platform in the plugin configuration file.
The language implemented in this tutorial is named "Simple" - note the case of the name. The SimpleLanguage
class is defined in the org.intellij.sdk.language
package of the simple_language_plugin
code sample:
public class SimpleLanguage extends Language {
public static final SimpleLanguage INSTANCE = new SimpleLanguage();
private SimpleLanguage() {
The icon for the Simple Language is defined by the SimpleIcons
class. Please see Working with Icons for details on how to define and use icons.
public class SimpleIcons {
public static final Icon FILE = IconLoader.getIcon("/icons/jar-gray.png", SimpleIcons.class);
The SimpleFileType
is defined by subclassing LanguageFileType
public final class SimpleFileType extends LanguageFileType {
public static final SimpleFileType INSTANCE = new SimpleFileType();
private SimpleFileType() {
public String getName() {
return "Simple File";
public String getDescription() {
return "Simple language file";
public String getDefaultExtension() {
return "simple";
public Icon getIcon() {
return SimpleIcons.FILE;
The Simple Language file type is registered via the com.intellij.fileType
extension point in plugin.xml and registered with *.simple extension:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
name="Simple File"
Run the plugin by using the Gradle runIde
Create an empty file with the extension .simple, and IntelliJ IDEA automatically associates it with our language. Note the appearance of the Simple Language file icon next to the test.simple file in the Project Tool Window, and the editor tab for the file.