Virtual File System

Edit pageLast modified: 28 November 2024

The Virtual File System (VFS) is a component of the IntelliJ Platform that encapsulates most of its activity for working with files represented as Virtual File.

It serves the following main purposes:

  • Providing a universal API for working with files regardless of their actual location (on disk, in an archive, on an HTTP server, etc.)

  • Tracking file modifications and providing both old and new versions of the file content when a change is detected.

  • Providing a possibility to associate additional persistent data with a file in the VFS.

To provide the last two features, the VFS manages a persistent snapshot of some of the user's hard disk contents. The snapshot stores only those files which have been requested at least once through the VFS API, and is asynchronously updated to match the changes happening on the disk.

The snapshot is application level, not project level - so, if some file (for example, a class in the JDK) is referenced by multiple projects, only one copy of its contents will be stored in the VFS.

All VFS access operations go through the snapshot.

If some information is requested through the VFS APIs and is not available in the snapshot, it is loaded from disk and stored into the snapshot. If the information is available in the snapshot, the snapshot data is returned. The contents of files and the lists of files in directories are stored in the snapshot only if that specific information was accessed. Otherwise, only file metadata like name, length, timestamp, attributes are stored.

The snapshot is updated from disk during refresh operations, which generally happen asynchronously. All write operations made through the VFS are synchronous - i.e., the contents are saved to disk immediately.

A refresh operation synchronizes the state of a part of the VFS with the actual disk contents. Refresh operations are explicitly invoked by the IntelliJ Platform or plugin code - i.e., when a file is changed on disk while the IDE is running, the change will not be immediately picked up by the VFS. The VFS will be updated during the next refresh operation, which includes the file in its scope.

IntelliJ Platform refreshes the entire project contents asynchronously on startup. By default, it performs a refresh operation when the user switches to it from another app. Still, users can turn this off via Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Synchronize external changes\[...].

On Windows, Mac, and Linux, a native file watcher process is started that receives file change notifications from the file system and reports them to the IntelliJ Platform. If a file watcher is available, a refresh operation looks only at the files that have been reported as changed by the file watcher. If no file watcher is present, a refresh operation walks through all directories and files in the refresh scope.

Refresh operations are based on file timestamps. If a file's contents were changed, but its timestamp remained the same, the IntelliJ Platform will not pick up the updated contents.

There is currently no facility for removing files from the snapshot. If a file was loaded there once, it remains there forever unless it was deleted from the disk, and a refresh operation was called on one of its parent directories.

The VFS itself does not honor ignored files listed in Settings | Editor | File Types and folders to ignore and excluded folders listed in Project Structure | Modules | Sources | Excluded. If the application code accesses them, the VFS will load and return their contents. In most cases, the ignored files and excluded folders must be skipped from processing by higher-level code.

During the lifetime of a running instance of an IntelliJ Platform IDE, multiple VirtualFile instances may correspond to the same disk file. They are equal, have the same hashCode, and share the user data.